Directed by: Rodrigo Esteva and Mirah Kllc Moriarty
Performers: Rodrigo and Mirah
Music by: Gaylynn Lee
Photographers: Edward Grylich and Sarah Lin
The Tree and Me (2019) was a duet we created with a large, old Acacia tree on-site at the currently endangered public space, the Albany Bulb. The artists began by listening to the stories that were held in the land while asking the question- what wishes to be spoken and what wants to remain in silence? The site was a former encampment of unhoused families whose words were written on the rocks along the shore. The costumes were made with wind chimes hand sewn into the fabric as a way to activate wind listening.
The Tree and Me was commissioned by Bulbfest, a two-day festival that highlighted the ruggedly beautiful landscapes of the Albany Bulb with dance performances and new art installations. The Albany Bulb is a city park at a former construction debris landfill surrounded by views of San Francisco Bay. The Albany Bulb has long been known for informal sculpture and art. Love the Bulb, a community arts organization presented this festival to highlight the value of this endangered and uniquely Bay Area space for the imagination. The theme of the festival was Resilience. The performances and art installations explored the resilience of nature in the face of climate change and sea level rise as well as human resilience in the face of individual and societal changes.
Commissioned by Bulb Fest 2019